Decode a Google polyline processor
This processor is not available by default. Please contact Opendatasoft support team if you want this processor to be activated in your workspace.
The Decode a Google polyline processor allows you to decode a Google polyline to transform it into a GeoJSON LineString.
Setting the processor
To set the parameters of the Decode a Google polyline processor, follow the indications from the table below.
Label | Description | Mandatory | Default value |
Encoded polyline | Field which contains the Google polyline | Yes |
Reverse Lng/Lat | If selected, reverses the geographic coordinates | No | True |
Output field | Field that will contain the GeoJSON LineString. It can be an existing field chosen from the list, or a new field created for that purpose (in that case, choose "Input text" from the list and write the name of the new field in the text area below). | Yes |