Expression processor


The Expression processor is a versatile processor that takes an expression as an argument and outputs its result in a field.

The expression can be composed of:

  • Identifiers

  • Literals (numbers, textual literals, Booleans and keywords)

  • Operators

  • Functions

Remember that to create an expression, you must always start with an equal sign (=). If you don't, the processor will not evaluate the expression. The starting equal sign (=) will be omitted through all the following examples.

Setting the processor

To set the parameters of the Expression processor, follow the indications from the table below.





The expression pattern


Output field

Field where the expression will be applied. It can be an existing field chosen from the list, or a new field created for that purpose (in that case, choose "Input text" from the list and write the name of the new field in the text area below).


Building an expression

An expression is an instruction for the processor to perform an operation and then to return the value in a new or existing column of the dataset.

These expressions look like what is called "formulas" in a spreadsheet software. The main difference is that instead of referencing cells (e.g: A1 + B2), the processor can perform operations with the values of given columns (e.g: column_1 + column_2).

Like in a formula, expressions can be any combination of various elements. The Expression processor supports the following elements:

  • Identifiers (e.g: a field name like column_1 or a forced field name like $column_1),

  • Literals:

- Numbers (e.g: 2 or 3.6)

- Textual literals (e.g "hello" or 'world')

- Booleans (e.g: 'true' or 'false')

- Keywords (e.g: a mathematical constant like pi and e)

  • Operators (e.g: +ORnot<=)

  • Functions (e.g: now()sin(number)startswith("hello", 'he'))


The main feature of the Expression processor is the ability to perform operations on a record's columns. The technical identifier (or field name) of a column can be used in any expression to access the value of this field for the current record. This technical identifier can be found in the field options, as the Name of this field.


  • column_1 to access a field named column_1 (and maybe labeled "Column 1")

  • name_en to access a field named name_en (and maybe labeled "Name (EN)")

In some cases, the field name can be ambiguous—for example if it is a number, if it starts with a number, or if it is a reserved keyword like "pi" (the mathematical constant PI) or "e" (the mathematical constant Euler's number).To force the Expression processor to evaluate an identifier as a field name, it is possible to prefix any identifier with the dollar sign ($). The dollar sign can be used for any field name, but it is only mandatory for ambiguous field names.


  • $column_1 to access a field named column_1 (and maybe labeled "Column 1")

  • $name_en to access a field named name_en (and maybe labeled "Name (EN)")

  • $20_to_25_yo to access a field named 20_to_25_yo (and maybe labeled "20 to 25 years old")

  • $33 to access a field named 33

  • $pi to access a field named pi

In all the following examples, any number or textual literal can be replaced by a field name holding values of the same type. The Expression processor will extract the value for the specified column and perform the required operation with it.

Several fields (or even the same field several times) can be used at the same time in an expression.


Literals like numberstextual literals (single or double quoted), Booleans and keywords can be used in any expression.


  • 3

  • 2.5

  • "Hello" or 'Hello'

  • 'A bigger sentence'

  • 'true' or 'false'

  • piPI or Pi

  • e or E


Operators are symbols that behave generally like functions but are used with a more natural syntax.

The Expression processor supports three kinds of operators, depending on the number of parameters around them:

  • Unary operators can be used as prefixes or suffixes to alter the value of one expression

  • Binary operators can be arithmetic operators to perform a calculus between two expressions, or Boolean operators to compare the result of two expressions

  • The ternary operator, to convert a conditional expression to either one of two possible results

Operator precedence works in the following order: factorial, exponential, sign, euclidian division, function evaluation, multiplication/division, addition/substraction, concatenation, not, comparison, and, or, ternary operator, ternary operator without else.

Unary operators





Prefix that negates the following value

- 4- [expression]

not! (not)

Boolean operator that inverts the following condition

  • not('true') or !('true') is false

  • not(4 > 5) is true

  • !(5 <= 10) is false

! (factorial)

Suffix that computes the factorial of an expression

3! returns 1*2*3

Binary operators





Arithmetic operators: add, subtract, multiply, divide, modulo, euclidian division, power

  • 2 + 3 returns 5

  • 5 - 8 returns -3

  • 9 * 3 returns 27

  • 15 / 6 returns 2.5

  • 15 % 6 returns 3

  • 15 // 6 returns 2

  • 2 ^ 3 returns 8

  • column_1 + column2

and&&or|| (return a Boolean)

Boolean operators: and, or

  • 'true' and 'true' is true

  • 'true' && 'false' is false

  • 'true' or 'false' is true

  • 'false' || 'false' is false


Comparison operators: greater than, lower than, greater or equal to, lower or equal to, equal to, different than return a Boolean

  • 3 < 4 is true

  • 5 >= 10 is false


String concatenation operator

'Hello' & ' world' returns 'Hello world'

Ternary operator

The expression [condition] ? [result if true] : [result if false] is called the ternary operator, and allows to return different results depending on a condition.

A ternary expression can be read as "if [condition] then [result if true] else [result if false]".


  • 'true' ? 'hello' : 'goodbye' returns 'hello'

  • 'false' ? 'hello' : 'goodbye' returns 'goodbye'

  • 4 > 3 ? '4 is bigger' : '3 is bigger' returns '4 is bigger'

  • 10 <= 9 ? '9 is bigger' : '10 is bigger' returns '10 is bigger'

The last part of the ternary operator is optional, which means that the following expressions are valid:

  • 'true' ? 'hello' returns 'hello'

  • 'false' ? 'hello' returns an empty result

Some operations can fail if they involve a field which type was wrongly guessed by the platform at the creation of the dataset, even if the field type was modified afterward. In that case, contact Opendatasoft support team.


Functions are used to perform more advanced operations in an expression, such as:

  • Text handling

  • Mathematical functions

  • Date and time handling

Text handling

Boolean functions





True if text only contains letters



True if text only contains numbers



True if text only contains letters or numbers



True if text is a valid decimal number



True if text is a single digit



True if text is lowercase



True if text is uppercase



True if text is empty



True if text (1st argument) contains, starts with or ends with text (2nd argument)

  • contains("hello", "l") returns True

  • startswith("hello", 'he') returns True

  • endswith("hello", 'he') returns False

Processing functions





Return the length of the text

length('hello') returns 5


Convert text to lowercase, to uppercase



Capitalize the first letter of the text, the first letter of each word


  • ljust([text],[numeric],[text])

  • rjust([text],[numeric],[text])

  • center([text],[numeric],[text])

Left, right and center justify a text (1st argument), until it reaches [numeric] characters with another text (3rd argument)

  • ljust("4400", 5, "0") returns "44000"

  • rjust("4400", 5, "0") returns "04400"

  • center("4400", 6,"0") returns "044000"


Convert a text to its ascii representation

normalize("你好") returns "ni hao"


Extract a substring of text, starting at index indicated by 2nd argument and of a length indicated by 3rd argument (optional)

substring('hello', 1, 3) returns "ell"

count([text], [text])

Return the number of times the 2nd argument is found in the 1st argument

count("Hello world", "l") returns 3

  • left([text],[numeric])

  • right([text],[numeric])

  • mid([text],[numeric])

Extract a part of text (1st argument), from the left, right or the middle; the size of the extract is given by the 2nd argument for left and right, by the 2nd and 3rd arguments for mid

  • left("hello", 2) returns "he"

  • right("hello", 3) returns "llo"

  • mid("hello", 2, 3) returns "ell"

Mathematical functions





Absolute value

abs(-4) returns 4


Square root



Floor and ceiling functions

  • floor(4.6) returns 4

  • ceil(3.3) returns 4


Max and min functions



Return the nearest integer

  • round(4.6) returns 5

  • round(3.3) returns 4


Random number generator (between 0 and [numeric])

random(10) returns for example 7.27846540481

pow([numeric], [numeric])

Power function

pow(2, 3) returns 8


Exponential, logarithm and base 10 logarithm functions

exp(1) returns E


Convert an angle from degrees to radians

radians(180) returns PI


Convert an angle from radians to degrees

degrees(PI) returns 180


Cosine, hyperbolic cosine, sine, hyperbolic sine, tangent, hyperbolic tangent (in radians)

sin(PI) returns 0


Inverse cosine, inverse cosine hyberbolical, inverse sine, inverse sine hyperbolical, inverse tangent, inverse tangent hyperbolical (in radians)

acos(0) returns PI/2

Date and time handling





Extract the year, quarter, month, week, day, day of week, hours, minutes, seconds from a date/datetime

  • year("2014-06-07") returns 2014

  • hour("2014-06-07 17:00") returns 17

  • hour("2014-06-07 17:00", "Europe/Paris") returns 19

  • Suppose that the current date is "2021-04-21". In this case, month(now()) returns 4.


  • Add years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds to a datetime

  • add_months("2014-11-14", 3) returns 2015-02-14

  • Suppose that the current date is "2020-04-21". In this case, add_months(now(), 3) returns 2021-07-21.


Convert a timestamp to a datetime



Convert a quarter (e.g: "2014Q2", "2019q1") to a date range

quartertodaterange("2014Q2") returns "2014-04-01 / 2014-06-30"

datediff([datetime], [datetime], [unit])

Count the number of units between the two datetime expressions. [unit] can be "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second".

  • datediff("2014-02-28", "2015-02-28", "month") returns 12

  • datediff("2014-02-28T20:00:00Z", "2014-02-28T21:00:00Z", "minute") returns 60

  • Suppose that the current time is "2021-04-21". In this case, datediff("2020-04-01", now(), "year") returns 1.