Get coordinates from a 3 word address processor


This processor is not available by default. Please contact Opendatasoft support team if you want this processor to be activated in your workspace.

This processor converts a 3 word address into geographical coordinates.

This processor requires a what3words API key.

Setting the API key

To setup a what3words key in order to use this processor:

  1. In your back office, click on the Configuration tab

  2. In the configuration menu, click on the Data processing tab

  3. In the what3words API section, fill in the API key parameter

  4. Click on the Save button at the top of the page

Setting the processor

To set the parameters of the "Get coordinates from a 3 word address" processor, follow the indications from the table below.




3 word address

Field containing the 3 word address.


Output field

Field that will contain the resulting geographical coordinates. It can be an existing field chosen from the list, or a new field created for that purpose (in that case, choose Input text from the list and write the name of the new field in the text area below).
