Submitting feedback
This feature has been deprecated. We are committed to support it but it will no longer benefit from any upgrade.
Feedback is an optional feature and is not activated on every Opendatasoft portal. Activation is done by a portal's administrators.
The feedback feature allows users to suggest improvements to portal administrators through a published dataset's Table visualization tab. Feedback can either be about an existing record, or to request the addition of a new record in the dataset.
Suggest improvements on an existing record
Go to the Table tab of the chosen dataset.
Click on the bubble button on the left of the record that could be improved/modified. A "Send feedback" window opens.
In the "Your comments" textbox, write your comments on the dataset record.
(optional) Click on Suggest new values to suggest specific values to replace the current ones.
At the bottom of the window, click on Send your feedback.
Request the addition of a new record
Go to the Table tab of the chosen dataset.
At the bottom of the Table visualization, click on Suggest a new record.
In the "Your comments" textbox, write your comments about the requested dataset.
(optional) Click on Suggest new values to suggest specific values for the requested record.
At the bottom of the window, click on Send your feedback.