Managing tracking


Third-party analytics

The monitoring tools provided by Opendatasoft focus on API calls and usages. They are useful to gather precise information on how data is consumed.

But sometimes you might want a broader measure of your portal's audience. Third-party services, specialized in measuring audience, can give additional analytics such as referral sources, visitors' geographical origin, or time spent on the portal.

Opendatasoft supports integration with Google Analytics, XiTi, SmartTag by AT Internet, and Matomo. Once configured and running, they allow audience tracking on an Opendatasoft portal.

Configuring Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an analytics solution edited by Google. "Google Analytics 4" and "Universal Analytics" (legacy) properties are supported.

Retrieve the Google Analytics ID for your Opendatasoft portal from your Google portal.

  1. In the Configuration > Tracking section of the back office, go to the corresponding Google Analytics area: "GA4" ou "Universal Analytics."

  2. Enter your Google Analytics ID in the corresponding field.

  3. Click on the Save button in the top right corner.

Google Analytics is now activated on your portal.

Using Google Analytics on your portal involves obtaining visitors' consent to comply with certain privacy laws such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In case of doubt, you may wish to contact your organization's legal department. For more information, see Displaying legals.

Configuring XiTi Analyzer NX

XiTi is an analytics solution edited by AT Internet.

To activate XiTi on your portal, you need to reach out to Opendatasoft support.

Contact and send an xtcore.js file and your XiTi identifiers, both provided by XiTi. After verification, approval and integration of the JavaScript file by Opendatasoft (a paid service), XiTi will be available on your Opendatasoft portal.

  1. In the Configuration > Tracking section of the back office, go to the XiTi area.

  2. Enter in the following values in the related fields: XTSD Code (mandatory), XTSITE Code (mandatory), Level 2 Site ID, and Root used in page names.

  3. Depending on your tracker configuration, toggle on Require user consent to allow visitors to enable or disable cookies in a cookie banner. In case of doubt, you may wish to contact your organization's legal department. For more information, see Displaying legals.

  4. Click on the Save button in the top right corner.

XiTi is now activated on your portal.

Activating SmartTag

SmartTag is an analytics solution edited by Piano.

To activate SmartTag on your portal, you need to reach out to Opendatasoft support.

Contact and send a smarttag.js file provided by SmartTag.After verification, approval and integration of the JavaScript file by Opendatasoft (a paid service), SmartTag is available on your Opendatasoft portal.

  1. In the Configuration > Tracking section of the back office, go to the SmartTag area.

  2. Click the Enable SmartTag toggle button.

  3. Depending on your tracker configuration, choose the consent request mode to allow visitors to enable or disable cookies in a cookie banner. The CNIL exemption is available for this tool. In case of doubt, you may wish to contact your organization's legal department. For more information, see Displaying legals.

  4. Click on the Save button in the top right corner.

SmartTag is now activated on your portal.

Configuring Piano Analytics

Piano Analytics is an analytics solution edited par Piano.

Retrieve the Site ID and the Collection Domain for your Opendatasoft portal from Piano's administration portal

  1. In the Configuration > Tracking section of the back office, go to the Piano Analytics area.

  2. Enter your site ID and your Collection Domain in the corresponding fields.

  3. Depending on your tracker configuration, choose the consent request mode to allow visitors to enable or disable cookies in a cookie banner. The CNIL exemption is available for this tool. In case of doubt, you may wish to contact your organization's legal department. For more information, see Displaying legals.

  4. Click on the Save button in the top right corner.

Piano Analytics is now activated on your portal.

Activating Eulerian

Eulerian is an analytics solution edited par Eulerian Technologies.

To activate Eulerian on your portal, you need to reach out to Opendatasoft support.

Contact and send a ea.localpix.js file provided by Eulerian.After verification, approval and integration of the JavaScript file by Opendatasoft (a paid service), SmartTag is available on your Opendatasoft portal.

  1. Dans la section Configuration > Suivi de l'interface d'administration, accédez à la zone Eulerian.

  2. Click the Enable Eulerian toggle button.

  3. Depending on your tracker configuration, toggle on Require user consent to allow visitors to enable or disable cookies in a cookie banner. In case of doubt, you may wish to contact your organization's legal department. For more information, see Displaying legals.

  4. Click on the Save button in the top right corner.

Eulerian is now activated on your portal.

Configuring Matomo

Matomo is an open-source analytics platform. Matomo Tag Manager is not supported by Opendatasoft.

Retrieve the site URL and site ID for your Opendatasoft portal from Matomo's administration portal.

  1. In the Configuration > Tracking section of the back office, go to the Matomo area.

  2. Enter your site URL and site ID in the corresponding fields.

  3. Depending on your tracker configuration, toggle on Require user consent to allow visitors to enable or disable cookies in a cookie banner. In case of doubt, you may wish to contact your organization's legal department. For more information, see Displaying legals.

  4. Click on the Save button in the top right corner.

Matomo is now activated on your portal.