Understanding notifications received with your permissions


Different emails are sent to the users of your workspace to notify them about events or important information. Below is a summary of what users can expect based on their permissions.

The different types of notifications

  • Alerts on datasets: A dataset has errors

  • Information about distributed content (pages or datasets): When you use the distribution from the main workspace

  • New access requests: If you allow registration on your portal and new users want to join your workspace

  • Daily reports: Daily summary of what happened the day before

  • Quotas alert (about a specific user): A user is close (80%) to reaching or has reached their quota

  • Updates on datasets

  • A summary of processing errors on your datasets

  • Processing errors on datasets

Emails received based on the user's permissions




Permission needed

Daily reports

Realtime alert, User error alert, new datasets

Daily reports

Edit all datasets in workspace

Secondary workspace content distribution notification

New datasets, deleted datasets, new pages, deleted pages

Event on secondary workspace

Edit all datasets or edit all pages on secondary workspace


Realtime missing data

No data received since [date]

Edit dataset on dataset or Edit all datasets

Processing error

Error while processing

Edit dataset on dataset or Edit all datasets

Processing limit reached

Someone reached a quota limit when publishing the dataset

Edit dataset on dataset or Edit all datasets

Quota reached

You reached your quota of

Edit all datasets on workspace

The user [identifier] reached their quota.

Edit all datasets on workspace

Quota about to be reached

You are about to reach your quota of

Edit all datasets on workspace

The user [identifier] is about to reach their quota of [value] API calls.

Edit all datasets on workspace


Access requests notification

New access requests

Edit workspace

Self registration notification

A user has joined the workspace

Edit workspace + users designated in Signup tab*

User contact message

A user has sent you a message

Edit workspace + users designated in Social networks & sharing tab*

Reuse submission notification

Someone asked to reuse your workspace

Edit workspace + users designated in Reuse tab*

Secondary workspace deletion

A secondary workspace has been deleted

All edit workspaces on secondary workspace

*A user can be designated to be the exclusive recipient of these email notifications.

Known limitations

  • If a user has the permission to edit a dataset, but that was set on the security tab of the dataset but not on the global permission "Edit all datasets," they won't receive daily reports with the summary of all the datasets with an error.

  • It's not possible to unsubscribe from distributed content notifications when you distribute pages or datasets to secondary workspaces.

  • There are no email notifications sent about harvester errors.