Building visualizations

The basics of dataset visualizations
When your users visit one of your datasets, at the top of the dataset they will see any number of tabs that allow them to visualize that data: Table, ...
Configuring the map visualization
For the map visualization to be available, the dataset must contain at least one geographical field (Geo point or Geo shape). When editing a dataset, ...
Configuring the calendar visualization
For the "Calendar" visualization to be available, the dataset must contain at least one date or datetime field, and a text field containing the title ...
Managing saved visualizations
To manage your saved visualizations, first go to your account by clicking on your account name in the upper-right of your workspace. There on the Vis...
Configuring the custom view
In the edition interface of a dataset, the Visualizations > Custom view tab allows to configure a custom view displayed in the portal once the d...
Configuring the images visualization
For the Images tab to be visible, the dataset must contain at least one file field, containing at least one image or any other file type that can gene...
Configuring the table visualization
For the table visualization to be available, the dataset must contain at least one source. When editing a dataset, the Visualizations > Table tab ...
Understanding automatic clustering in maps
This article applies to maps made in: Your workspace's Maps tab (.../map), a dataset's Map tab, and the ods-map widget in the Code editor. It does not...
Configuring the analyze visualization
For the "Analyze" visualization to be available, the dataset must contain at least one date or datetime field, or a field set to be a filter. When edi...