Exploring catalogs and datasets

Search your data with AI (vector search)
Our vetor search is designed to be more powerful and easy to use than a traditional search. To get the best results, though, it helps to realize that...
Downloading a dataset
Datasets can be downloaded in various formats. While flat file formats (CSV, JSON, Excel) are always available for any dataset, other formats may be a...
An introduction to the Explore API
If you're already familiar with APIs or the Explore API, you can go directly to the Explore API v2 documentation. Otherwise, read on for more details....
What's in a dataset
Datasets are the beating heart of any Opendatasoft account, and the heart of any dataset is naturally the raw data itself. But an Opendatasoft dataset...
Exploring a catalog of datasets
There are several ways to explore a dataset catalog. Whether you are just exploring, or if looking for a specific dataset, here's how to find the data...
An introduction to the Automation API
Access to the Automation API depends on your plan and your options. Check your Plans page to have a full overview about the plans. If you're already f...
Introduction to the WFS API
This article is a brief introduction to the main uses of the WFS, or Web Feature Service, API. If you are already familiar with APIs and the WFS API, ...
Filtering data within a dataset
When searching in datasets with text, it's possible to make more advanced searches using query language. Below are the different terms and methods you...
The Explore data with AI feature
Opendatasoft has already begun harnessing the power of AI to allow users to perform new tasks, or make existing tasks easier and faster. With this in ...