Publishing a page

Patrick Smith Updated by Patrick Smith

In Studio, you need to publish a page to make it available on your portal. After publishing, the page will be searchable and accessible to visitors, according to the visibility parameters you applied.

If the page had already been published, what you publish will replace what was already online.

Before you can publish a page, you need to configure the page information and the page access settings. For more information, see Configuring page information and Managing page access.

Publishing a page from the list of pages

From the list of pages, you can publish a page in draft status.

  1. From the list of pages, hover over the desired page.
  2. Click the eye icon on the right side of the sidebar to publish the page.

Publishing a page from the preview

When previewing a page, you can publish it directly from the preview.

  1. When editing a page in Studio, click the small triangle icon from the lower-left of the sidebar.

Your page opens as a preview.

  1. Click Publish in the top-right corner.

Publishing a page in Studio

From Studio, you can publish a page in draft status.

  1. From the list of pages, click the page to be published.

Studio opens.

  1. Click Publish.

Unpublishing a page from the list of pages

From the list of pages, you can unpublish a page that has been previously published. This will make it unavailable to your users on your portal until you publish it again.

  1. From the list of pages, hover over the desired page.
  2. Click the icon on the right side to unpublish the page.

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Adding a page

Editing the page layout

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