MapInfo files

Anthony Pépin Updated by Anthony Pépin

You can use a MapInfo ZIP archive as a source.

MapInfo ZIP archive files should contain the following files at the root level:

  • .mid: stores the attribute data
  • .mif: stores the structure and the geometries


  • .map: stores the graphic and geographic information needed to display each vector feature on a map
  • .tab: stores the link between all other files and holds information about the type of data set file
  • .id: stores information linking graphic data to the database information
  • .dat: stores the attribute data


For more information about adding a file source, see Retrieving a file.





File encoding

Encoding of the file

Character encoding is the way characters are represented in a saved file. Unicode (or UTF-8) is the universal standard, but some files might be encoded in a legacy format (for example, old versions of Excel), which would require setting the encoding manually. On modern software, this is usually unnecessary.

By default, the platform uses a heuristic to guess the encoding. If the guessed encoding is not right, select the right encoding to apply from the list or enter it in the Other text box. You can use any aliases from Python.

Extract filename

Creates a new column with the name of the source file.

By default, this option is toggled off. Toggle on this option to extract the file name in an additional column.

How did we do?

CSV files

GeoJSON files


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