Getting started
Exploring and using data
Exploring catalogs and datasets
Exploring a catalog of datasets
What's in a dataset
Filtering data within a dataset
An introduction to the Explore API
An introduction to the Automation API
Introduction to the WFS API
Downloading a dataset
Search your data with AI (vector search)
The Explore data with AI feature
Creating maps and charts
Creating advanced charts with the Charts tool
Overview of the Maps interface
Configure your map
Manage your maps
Reorder and group layers in a map
Creating multi-layer maps
Share your map
Navigating maps made with the Maps interface
Rename and save a map
Creating pages with the Code editor
How to limit who can see your visualizations
Archiving a page
Managing a page's security
Creating a page with the Code editor
Content pages: ideas, tips & resources
How to insert internal links on a page or create a table of contents
Sharing and embedding a content page
How to troubleshoot maps that are not loading correctly
Creating content with Studio
Creating content with Studio
Adding a page
Publishing a page
Editing the page layout
Configuring blocks
Previewing a page
Adding text
Adding a chart
Adding an image block to a Studio page
Adding a map block in Studio
Adding a choropleth map block in Studio
Adding a points of interest map block in Studio
Adding a key performance indicator (KPI)
Configuring page information
Using filters to enhance your pages
Refining data
Managing page access
How to edit the url of a Studio page
Embedding a Studio page in a CMS
Managing saved visualizations
Configuring the calendar visualization
The basics of dataset visualizations
Configuring the images visualization
Configuring the custom view
Configuring the table visualization
Configuring the map visualization
Understanding automatic clustering in maps
Configuring the analyze visualization
Publishing data
Publishing datasets
Creating a dataset
Creating a dataset from a local file
Creating a dataset with multiple files
Creating a dataset from a remote source (URL, API, FTP)
Creating a dataset using dedicated connectors
Creating a dataset with media files
Federating an Opendatasoft dataset
Publishing a dataset
Publishing data from a CSV file
Publishing data in JSON format
Supported file formats
Promote mobility data thanks to GTFS and other formats
What is updated when publishing a remote file?
Configuring datasets
Automated removal of records
Configuring dataset export
Checking dataset history
Configuring the tooltip
Dataset actions and statuses
Dataset limits
Defining a dataset schema
How Opendatasoft manages dates
How and where Opendatasoft handles timezones
How to find your workspace's IP address
Keeping data up to date
Processing data
Translating a dataset
How to configure an HTTP connection to the France Travail API
Deciding what license is best for your dataset
Types of source files
OpenStreetMap files
JSON files
XML files
Spreadsheet files
RDF files
CSV files
MapInfo files
GeoJSON files
KML/KMZ files
Saving and sharing connections
Airtable connector
Amazon S3 connector
ArcGIS connector
Azure Blob storage connector
Database connectors
Dataset of datasets (workspace) connector
Eco Counter connector
Feed connector
Google BigQuery connector
Google Drive connector
How to find the Open Agenda API Key and the Open Agenda URL
JCDecaux connector
Netatmo connector
OpenAgenda connector
Realtime connector
Salesforce connector
SharePoint connector
U.S. Census connector
WFS connector
Databricks connector
Connecteur Waze
Harvesting a catalog
ArcGIS harvester
ArcGIS Hub Portals harvester
CKAN harvester
CSW harvester
FTP with meta CSV harvester
Opendatasoft Federation harvester
Quandl harvester
Socrata harvester harvester
data.json harvester
What is a processor and how to use one
Add a field processor
Compute geo distance processor
Concatenate text processor
Convert degrees processor
Copy a field processor
Correct geo shape processor
Create geo point processor
Decode HTML entities processor
Decode a Google polyline processor
Deduplicate multivalued fields processor
Delete record processor
Expand JSON array processor
Expand multivalued field processor
Expression processor
Extract HTML processor
Extract URLs processor
Extract bit range processor
Extract from JSON processor
Extract text processor
File processor
GeoHash to GeoJSON processor
GeoJoin processor
Geocode with ArcGIS processor
Geocode with BAN processor (France)
Geocode with PDOK processor
Geocode with the Census Bureau processor (United States)
Geomasking processor
Get coordinates from a three-word address processor
IP address to geo Coordinates processor
JSON array to multivalued processor
Join datasets processor
Meta expression processor
Nominatim geocoder processor
Normalize Projection Reference processor
Normalize URL processor
Normalize Unicode values processor
Normalize date processor
Polygon filtering processor
Replace text processor
Replace via regular expression processor
Retrieve Administrative Divisions processor
Set timezone processor
Simplify Geo Shape processor
Skip records processor
Split text processor
Transform boolean columns to multivalued field processor
Transpose columns to rows processor
WKT and WKB to GeoJson processor
what3words processor
Data Collection Form
About the Data Collection Form feature
Data Collection Forms associated with your Opendatasoft workspace
Create and manage your data collection forms
Sharing and moderating your data collection forms
Dataset metadata
Analyzing how your data is used
Getting involved: Sharing, Reusing and Reacting
Discovering & submitting data reuses
Sharing through social networks
Commenting via Disqus
Submitting feedback
Following dataset updates
Sharing and embedding data visualizations
Monitoring usage
An overview of monitoring your workspaces
Analyzing user activity
Analyzing actions
Detail about specific fields in the ods-api-monitoring dataset
How to count a dataset's downloads over a specific period
Analyzing data usage
Analyzing a single dataset with its monitoring dashboard
Analyzing back office activity
Using the data lineage feature
Managing your users
Managing limits
Managing users
Managing users
Setting quotas for individual users
Managing access requests
Inviting users to the portal
Managing workspaces
Managing your portal
Configuring your portal
Configure catalog and dataset pages
Configuring a shared catalog
Sharing, reusing, communicating
Customizing your workspace's URL
Managing legal information
Connect Google Analytics (GA4)
Regional settings
Pictograms reference
Managing tracking
Best practices for search engine optimization (SEO)
Look & Feel
Branding your portal
Customizing portal themes
How to customize my portal according to the current language
Managing the dataset themes
Configuring data visualizations
Configuring the navigation
Adding IGN basemaps
Adding images and fonts
Plans and quotas
Managing security
Configuring your portal's overall security policies
A dataset's Security tab
Mapping your directory to groups in Opendatasoft (with SSO)
Single sign-on with OpenID Connect
Single sign-on with SAML
- Home
- Managing your portal
- Configuring your portal
- Sharing, reusing, communicating
Sharing, reusing, communicating
Updated by Anthony Pépin
Engaging users
Users can be allowed to comment on datasets. When activated, an additional Comments tab will be displayed on the dataset page.
To activate this feature, you need to configure a Disqus account to associate with the portal. Disqus is an external comment management system. You will need to set your account's short name and public key in the Configure
menu, in the Social networks & sharing
If you're unsure about how to get your Disqus credentials, you can follow the detailed steps detailed on their page.
Encouraging reuses
One of the main goals of open data is to have your data reused, thus producing new analyses or new services. Listing these reuses on the related datasets' pages will help promote both the reuse itself as well as your data.
You can access the configuration for reuses in the Configuration menu section of your Opendatasoft back office, under Reuses.
Enabling the reuse feature on your portal will display a new "Reuses" section at the bottom of the Information tab on each dataset page. Additionally, this section will provide a form through which users can submit their reuses and will list all approved reuses.
Note that in order to be displayed on a dataset's page, new reuses must be reviewed and approved by an administrator.
When the reuse feature is enabled, you can additionally allow anonymous users (users without an account) to submit reuses. This is recommended on open data portals or portals which do not allow external users to create an account.
By default, for every reuse submission, a notification is sent to that workspace's administrators.
If you wish to add additional recipients, you can enter their email addresses under "New reuses notifications recipients."
For example, you may wish notifications to be sent to only some of the workspace's administrators. In that case, turn on this option and list the email addresses of the administrators who should receive notification.
The example below shows what you would see if you wanted to send these notifications only to
Contact form recipients
Within the pages you create, you can include a contact form that allows users to send a message to domain administrators. You can add recipients to these messages in the Social networks & sharing
section from the Configure
Dataset subscriptions
Users on your portal can subscribe to any dataset they can access; by doing so, they opt-in to receive notifications that the dataset publisher can decide to send at any time, for example, information about a future schema change or to indicate that the data has been updated recently.
As a dataset publisher, you can see the list of users subscribed to your dataset from its back-office configuration page, using the "Subscribers" tab, which appears if you have at least one subscriber on the dataset. From there, you can also send a message to all the users who subscribed to this dataset.
It is advised to warn your subscribers in advance of any change that may impact any of their reuse, such as a change in the schema (renaming an existing field, removing a field) that may cause issues with existing reuses or an update of the data itself if it is not updated very frequently.
User feedback on datasets
If you wish to gather feedback on the content of a specific dataset, you can activate "User feedback" from its back-office configuration page.
Once the option is active and the dataset is published again, your users will be able to send feedback on your dataset, either for a specific record or to suggest a new record, by clicking on the little chat bubble in the table view.
Doing so will open a form where the user can write a message and optionally suggest new values.
As the publisher of the dataset, you can access the list of all the feedback sent by your users. This is available in the "Feedback" tab of the back-office dataset page. From there, for each feedback sent, you can see the message, the suggested values, and you can archive it once you consider it handled.
Improving user sharing
Integrating social media
Share on social media buttons
You can choose to display share buttons that will provide users with quick access to their favorite social networks (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and email).
You can enable these share buttons in the Social networks & sharing
section from the Configuration
Twitter cards
If a user tweets a link to a dataset on your portal, a summary can be displayed (the title and description of your dataset), associated with a Twitter account of your choice.
This is a feature provided by Twitter itself. It should work by default without additional configuration, except if your domain is not whitelisted for summary card by Twitter.
You can check this by previewing a summary on the Twitter Card page. Put the URL of one of your public datasets in the Card URL field on this page.
If, after clicking on Preview, your domain does not appear as whitelisted for summary card, you have to request approvals by clicking on the Request Approval button. You also have to input your Twitter handle
to associate your portal with these approved Twitter Cards in the Social networks & sharing
section from the Configuration
Dataset information cards
When embedding visualizations, users have the option to display an additional information card on top of the embed.
In the Embeds
section in the Configuration
menu, you can configure the position of this information card (top or bottom).
You can also force the display of the information card on every embed using the checkbox Force embeds to have a dataset information card displayed at all times.