Geocode with ArcGIS processor

Anthony Pépin Updated by Anthony Pépin

The ArGIS processor allows to geocode full text addresses by using the ArcGIS geocoding API.

This processor can be connected with a custom ArcGIS geocoder. Please contact Opendatasoft support team if you want this configuration to be activated in your domain.

Make sure you have a paid ArcGIS account. Register an application in your ArcGIS developer dashboard.
Retrieve the authorization credentials (client ID and client secret) for the registered application from your ArcGIS account.

Configuring the Client ID and Client Secret

Before using the processor, configure the ArcGIS geocoding API with the Client ID and Client Secret you obtained in your ArcGIS developer dashboard.

  1. In the back office, go to Configuration > Data processing.
  2. In the ArcGIS geocoding API section, enter your Client ID and Client Secret in the corresponding fields.
  3. Click on the Save button at the top of the page.

You can now use the Geocode with ArcGIS processor.

Setting the processor

After setting the ArcGIS API key in the platform, the Geocode with ArcGIS processor is ready to be used.

To set the parameters of the Geocode with ArcGIS processor, follow the indications from the table below.





Field containing the address to geocode


Postal code

Field containing the postal code



Field containing the city



Field containing the state



Field containing the country


Output field

Field that will contain the produced WSG84 coordinates.

You can select an existing field from the list or create a new field create for that purpose.

To create a new field, select Input text from the list and enter the name of the new field.


How did we do?

GeoJoin processor

Geocode with BAN processor (France)


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